
Pet Vaccination

Pet Vaccinations at Our Animal Hospital in San Jose

Vaccinations are a crucial component of preventative pet care. They work by exposing your pet to a weakened or inactive form of a virus or bacteria, stimulating their immune system to develop antibodies. These antibodies then help your pet fight off future infections from the same disease. At Alum Rock Animal Hospital, a trusted veterinarian in San Jose, CA, we are committed to keeping your pet healthy and happy throughout their life.

pet vaccination

Why Vaccinations Are Important

Vaccinations offer several significant benefits for your pet's health:

•           Disease Prevention: Vaccinations effectively protect your pet from serious and potentially fatal diseases, such as distemper, parvovirus, rabies, and feline leukemia. These diseases can be highly contagious and cause severe illness, even death, in unvaccinated pets.

•           Herd Immunity: Vaccination not only protects your individual pet but also contributes to herd immunity within the pet community. When a high percentage of pets are vaccinated, it becomes less likely for an outbreak to occur, even if an unvaccinated animal is exposed. This herd immunity provides an extra layer of protection for all pets, including those who may be too young, too old, or immunocompromised to receive certain vaccinations.

•           Lifelong Protection: While some vaccines require periodic boosters throughout your pet's life, vaccination significantly reduces the risk of your pet contracting these diseases.

Recommended Vaccinations for Dogs and Cats

The specific vaccinations recommended for your pet will depend on several factors, including their age, breed, lifestyle, and risk factors. During your pet's wellness exam, a veterinarian near you can discuss the appropriate vaccination schedule for your furry friend. Here's a general overview of core vaccines commonly recommended for dogs and cats:

•           Dogs: Distemper, Parvovirus, Adenovirus, Parainfluenza, Rabies, and Leptospirosis (optional)

•           Cats: Rabies, Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis (FVRCP), Calicivirus, and Panleukopenia (feline distemper)

Schedule Your Pet's Vaccination Appointment Today

At Alum Rock Animal Hospital, our team of experienced veterinarians can advise you on the most suitable vaccination protocol for your pet. We offer a welcoming environment and prioritize gentle handling to ensure a positive experience for your furry companion. We also understand that pet care costs can add up, so we strive to provide affordable vaccination services.

To schedule your pet's vaccination appointment or discuss your pet's specific needs, call Alum Rock Animal Hospital today at (408) 258-2735. We look forward to partnering with you to ensure your pet lives a long, healthy, and happy life.