
Dog Breath? Why Dental Hygiene is Important for Pets

When you think about seeing your pet’s veterinarian for routine care, you may not consider pet dental needs. In fact, oral health is linked to overall wellbeing and could be key in preventing illness, disease, and discomfort for your dog or cat. If you are concerned about your pet’s health and wellness, including their oral hygiene, talk to a veterinarian in San Jose at Alum Rock Animal Hospital today.

Wondering why dental hygiene is important for your pets? 

Good oral health is as important for pets as it is for humans. Dental disease and subsequent tooth loss can cause great discomfort, pain, and impede on quality of life for your beloved pets. While early stages of dental disease are treatable with a regimen including scaling, diet, and cleaning, later stages of oral disease can be more challenging. Typically, it involves a procedure with anesthesia and potential tooth extractions, which can make it difficult for your pet to eat.
Some things that you, as a pet owner, can do to prevent this painful condition include:

- The right diet. 

Human food will create tartar on teeth. Ask your vet about a dental-friendly diet that won’t result in plaque or decay.

- Something to chew on. 

Give your pet sensible things to chew, like rubber toys and dental treats. Some veterinarian offices offer suggested products for purchase.

- Brush their teeth. 

Brush your pet’s teeth but buy pet dental products that are designed and made for dogs and cats. Don’t ever use human toothpaste on pets. It is much easier to get your pet to cooperate if this is something you start early and do consistently.

- Visit your veterinarian. 

Make sure to visit the veterinarian regularly and have your pet’s teeth evaluated. Many pets are not keen on having their mouths examined, so it makes sense to ask your vet for their assessment.

How is your pet’s oral health and hygiene? Let us help. 

For dental assessment and more information about your pet’s dental health, contact us at Alum Rock Animal Hospital in San Jose at 408-258-2735. An ounce of prevention and oral care now can prevent a slew of painful conditions and costly procedures later.